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Pet Anxiety

Pets bring so much joy to our lives, it’s only right to help them through their anxieties and fears. Pet anxiety can impact your pet’s behavior, health, and happiness, along with your own. At Costa Mesa Animal Hospital in Costa Mesa, CA, we can help you recognize anxiety symptoms in your pet and recommend solutions to help restore peace and joy to your household. 

Pet Anxiety dog

Signs of Pet Anxiety

Your pet can’t tell you how he’s feeling but he can demonstrate his distress through the following symptoms:

    • Loss of appetite 
    • Hiding under furniture or other nooks in your home
    • Excessive barking, panting, or drooling
    • Aggressive behavior towards you or other members of the family
    • Destructive behavior 
    • Cowering in fear
    • Little interest in cuddling, play or other normal activities

Pet aggression, excessive barking, and panting are typical symptoms of fear and anxiety. If this behavior is chronic, a checkup by a Costa Mesa vet at our animal hospital can help determine the cause of your pet’s behavior, so he can get the help he needs.

Causes of Pet Anxiety

Pets respond differently to circumstances around them. Knowing why your pet is fearful is the first step to soothing his symptoms. Here are some possible causes of pet anxiety: 

Loud noise phobias: Many animals are fearful of loud noises, like fireworks and thunder. When they hear a loud noise, they run and hide or wrap themselves around your legs. Even common noises like a vacuum cleaner or blender can send a pet cowering in fear.

Separation anxiety: Many pets suffer from separation anxiety, becoming fearful or destructive when you’re away. They may refuse to eat when left at a kennel or lash out at kennel personnel. Pet aggression is a common expression of fear.

Social anxiety: Some pets become anxious around crowds, new people or new pets. Changes in your pet’s routine can also trigger pet anxiety.

Pet Anxiety Care Tips

Once you’ve pinpointed what’s causing your pet’s anxiety, you and your vet can come up with solutions to restore peace and tranquility to your home. Some ideas include:

    • Create a warm, loving home environment your pet can rely on
    • Socialize your pet to eliminate fear of being around other people
    • Expose your pet to different indoor and outdoor environments
    • Gradually desensitize your furry friend by exposing him to indoor and outdoor noises
    • Incorporate more outdoor playtime into your pup’s schedule

Get Vet Care from a Veterinarian at Our Animal Hospital for Pet Aggression and Excessive Barking

When it comes to dealing with pet anxiety, you’re not alone. A Costa Mesa vet is just a phone call away. To schedule a consultation with a “veterinarian near me” at our animal hospital, contact us at Costa Mesa Animal Hospital in Costa Mesa, CA, at (949) 548-3794 today.


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